Before putting your old instrument(s) in the attic consider trading them in towards your instrument purchase. We will take any instruments you are no longer using and give you a trade allowance to use towards anything we sell!
Whether you have one instrument or several instruments give us your list and we'll give you a price. We take Brasswinds, Woodwinds, Percussion Equipment.
You'll be amazed at what you can SAVE when you TRADE!
You may also email or fax your list to us.
Fax 1-605-225-2051
Questions? Call 1-800-872-2263
Business hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30 CST
We can answer all your questions.
Take a look at your inventory. Put together a list of instruments you wish to trade in. Put down anything you no longer have a need for. Some items may seem like junk to you but it may be worth something to our Repair Department. It all adds to your Total Trade Allowance!
Tell us about your trades:
A. Type of Instrument
B. Brand of Manufacturer
C. Finish (brass, silver, resonite, wood, etc.)
D. Instrument Condition (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, etc.)
E. List Any Missing Parts (3rd valve slide, sax neck, etc.)
Tell us what equipment you are looking to purchase. It's to your advantage to tell us what it is you are looking for. This helps us to put together the best possible package price for you.
After we review your list of trade instruments, we will contact you with a trade allowance.
If you like our offer:
A. We will assist you with shipping arrangements for sending your trades
B. We will begin processing your order.
C. We won't expect shipment of your trade(s) for 30 days as you have a 30 day Money Back Guarantee on your purchase. Trade must be boxed and shipped prepaid 30-45 days from the sale date.
You may also email or fax your list to us.
Fax 1-605-225-2051
Questions? Call 1-800-872-2263